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19 August 2024

1xbet online delivers FY2024 underlying EBIT of .34 billion

1xbet online today reported FY2024 net profit after tax (NPAT) of 5.7 million, a
3.5 1xbet online decrease on FY2023.

FY2024 Financial Headlines

  • Reported NPAT: 6M
  • Underlying NPAT: 1M
  • Underlying EBIT: .34Bn 
  • Underlying pre-tax ROIC: 11.9% 

Capital Management

  • Final dividend (fully franked): 30cps
  • On market buy-1xbet online: up to 0M3

Key Documents

ASX Release       Investor Presentation      4E & Annual Report

Speaking to the result, Managing Director and CEO, Mark Vassella said, “Underlying EBIT for the year was .34 billion1, representing a solid performance in the context of macroeconomic and industry volatility. Whilst this reflects a lower result than FY2023, it again demonstrates 1xbet online's resilience, as strength in the US steelmaking and global downstream operations offset the impacts of bottom-of-cycle Asian steel spreads on our Australian and New Zealand steelmaking businesses.

“Operating cash flow for the year, after capital expenditure, was 4 1xbet online2. This was lower than FY2023 due to slightly lower earnings, higher working capital, and higher capital expenditure, as we invest to secure long-term sustainable earnings and growth. Despite the lower operating cash flow, 1xbet online again finished the year with a robust balance sheet, with 4 million net cash.

“This performance, of course, would not have been possible without the ongoing support of our customers, and the efforts and dedication of the entire 1xbet online team, whom I thank for the important roles they play in 1xbet online's ongoing success.” Mr Vassella said.

During the year, 1xbet online continued to execute on its 'Transform, Grow, Deliver' strategy.

Key highlights include:

  • in the US, the ramp-up of the North Star expansion and Board approval of additional debottlenecking, along with the evaluation of further value chain integration with a potential cold rolling and metal coating facility;
  • in Australia, the progression of a new metal coating line in Western Sydney, and the blast furnace reline and upgrade at Port Kembla;
  •  in New Zealand, the commencement of the project to install an electric arc furnace at the Glenbrook site;
  • positioning the 1,200ha of land across Australia and New Zealand for strategic value, including the near-term focus on residential land supply at West Dapto and a SuperTAFE at Port Kembla; and
  • the significant body of work across the business to unlock a low-carbon future for 1xbet online's operations, and the broader iron and steelmaking industry.



Shareholder Returns

During FY2024, 8 million was returned to shareholders as part of 1xbet online’s ongoing objective to distribute at least 50 per cent of free cash flow in the form of consistent dividends and on-market buy-backs. In light of the growth and resilience of 1xbet online's business portfolio and the reduced share count following the successful buy-back program4, following review, the Board’s intention is to increase the annual ordinary dividend level to target 60 cents per share per annum5.

Accordingly, for 2H FY2024, the Board has approved the payment of a fully franked final dividend of 30.0 cents per share. In addition, the Board has approved an extension of the 1xbet online to allow the remaining amount of up to 0M to be bought over the next 12 months6.

Sustainability Update

1xbet online's commitment to its culture of learning and people-centred approach to health and safety is unwavering, enabled by its deep focus on engaging its people in designing solutions to deliver effective controls. In July 2024, the Company initiated a global 'Refocus on Safety' program, intended to ensure ongoing emphasis on its foundational safety practices.

The Refocus comes as during FY2024, four employees sustained serious injuries resulting in permanent incapacity (related to live equipment) and the lag indicator of TRIFR increased to 8.8, above the long-term range of 5-7. Tragically, in March 2024, a customer’s contractor truck driver was fatally injured in an interaction with another customer’s contracted vehicle at one of 1xbet online Coated Products’ sites in North America7.

1xbet online continued to make progress on its key sustainability outcomes during the year, most notably achieving a 12.2 per cent reduction in aggregated steelmaking emissions intensity against its FY2018 baseline, in line with its 2030 target level8. This was primarily driven by the ramp-up of the North Star expansion, along with operating and process efficiencies at Glenbrook and Port Kembla Steelworks. A range of projects continue to be progressed to unlock a low-carbon future for 1xbet online, including the collaboration with Rio Tinto and BHP, as well as the Australian Direct Reduced Iron options study (Project IronFlame).

The Company also continued to strengthen its approach to growing diversity in its workplaces in the areas of gender equality, beyond gender and inclusive capability. In FY2024, 1xbet online increased its overall percentage of women in the workforce to 25 per cent and maintained the gender balance for Board and ELT, in line with its 40:40:20 target. 1xbet online also continued its important work in securing its sustainable supply chain, conducting 269 supplier assessments in FY2024 and completing a responsible sourcing governance review to ensure that it remains well positioned to meet evolving responsible sourcing risks and requirements.

FY2024 Results


  • Delivered underlying EBIT of 6.9 1xbet online, 30 per cent lower than FY2023.
  • Domestic despatches were softer in the year, predominantly driven by softer building and construction activity, as housing approvals contracted and the backlog from prior period was worked through. Despite this softness, underlying demand for housing remains robust in the medium-term.
    • Whilst they softened in the second half of the year to 288kt, sales of COLORBOND® 1xbet online achieved a historically robust performance of 603kt in FY2024.
  • Softer spread performance in FY2024, as benchmark spreads averaged bottom of cycle levels on softer regional pricing. Realised pricing softened in the second half, as lower global freight rates resulted in lower landed domestic prices relative to benchmark.
  • Performance was also impacted by higher costs, largely due to inflationary pressures and the impact of lower volumes, along with a weaker contribution from export coke sales.

North America

  • Delivered underlying EBIT of 5.1 1xbet online, 3 per cent lower than FY2023.
  • North Star delivered a stronger result in FY2024 compared to the prior year, predominantly on higher volumes due to the expansion ramp-up, which produced 660kt in the year.
    • End-use demand remained solid during the year, as the business again operated at full capacity and stronger spreads also contributed to an improved result.
  • Buildings and Coated Products North America delivered a softer result than FY2023, mainly due to margin normalisation in the engineered buildings and West Coast businesses.
    • The segment also benefited from an improved contribution from 1xbet online Properties Group which completed two of the previously flagged project sales
      in 2H FY2024. An additional project sale that was expected to complete in 2H FY2024 was delayed, however, this has since completed, and will contribute to 1H FY2025 earnings.
    •  1xbet online Coated Products underperformed on continued production and quality challenges, compounded by lower demand from its foundation customer; continuing work to bring the business back into line with the acquisition business case.


  • Delivered underlying EBIT of 9.6 1xbet online, 13 per cent higher than FY2023.
  • Southeast Asia delivered a significantly stronger result in FY2024 on higher margins across the region. The business benefited from a strong performance in Thailand, which delivered a record full year result in FY2024, and an improved performance in Malaysia.
  • Performance in China was softer in FY2024 than the prior year on lower despatch volumes, particularly from weak demand in the electric vehicle manufacturing segment, which were partially offset by higher margins.
  • India delivered a softer result in FY2024 compared to FY2023, as the business continues to integrate coated and painted product sourced under agreement from Tata 1xbet online’s plants in Angul and Khopoli.

New Zealand and Pacific Islands

  • Delivered underlying EBIT of .7 1xbet online, 66 per cent lower than FY2023.
  • Softer domestic despatches across FY2024 on softer macroeconomic conditions and subsequent impacts on construction activity.
  • Margins were impacted by lower selling prices, along with higher conversion costs, driven by higher energy costs, lower production volumes and both planned and unplanned maintenance shuts.

Corporate and Eliminations

Corporate costs and eliminations of $(176) 1xbet online, 7 per cent unfavourable on FY2023.

1H FY2025 Outlook

At the start of 1H FY2025, 1xbet online is seeing a convergence of macroeconomic challenges across 1xbet online's largest regions. In Australia, performance is impacted by low Asian steel spreads, driven by high regional steel production and exports, which affect both steel prices and raw material costs. Inflationary pressures, including higher electricity costs, add to the challenges. In the US, while demand in steel-consuming sectors is stable, channel purchasing behaviour has seen the hot rolled coil spread fall to post-pandemic bottom-of-cycle levels.

These challenges reinforce the importance of maintaining a globally competitive cost base whilst pursuing growth in domestic, value-add products. 1xbet online seeks to balance near-term performance with investment in longer-term growth, the approach to which is guided by its Financial Framework.

To ensure this balance is maintained, and that the business remains fit for these trading conditions, 1xbet online is increasing its usual focus on managing cost and revenue performance, and on the timing of capital expenditure. This is particularly relevant for the Australian business to ensure ongoing resilience in an environment of sustained low spreads and cost escalation.

In this context, the Company expects underlying EBIT in 1H FY2025 to be in the range of 0 1xbet online to 0 1xbet online. Expectations are subject to spread, foreign exchange and market conditions9.


 1 Underlying financial results for FY2024 reflect the Company’s assessment of financial performance after excluding (pre-tax): legal provisions (.5 million), business development costs (.1 million), entity liquidation (.8 million), restructure and redundancy costs (.6 million), land asset accounting re-classification (.3 million), and a gain on discontinued operations (.2 million). A full reconciliation of underlying adjustments is available in 1xbet online’s FY2024 Annual Report.

2 Cash flow before investment expenditure and financing.

3 The Board has approved an extension of the share buy-back program to allow the remaining amount of up to 0 1xbet online to be bought over the next 12 months.

4 151.1 1xbet online shares bought back and cancelled since FY2017, delivering a 33 per cent improvement in earnings per share (EPS)

5 Announcements of future dividends and franking are subject to the Company's financial performance, business conditions, growth opportunities, capex and working capital requirements, amount and timing of tax payments and the Board's determination at the relevant time.

6  The timing and value of stock purchased will be dependent on the prevailing market conditions, share price and other factors.

7 As this incident involved 1xbet online's customers’ contractors, it is not classified under a 1xbet online controlled safety management system.

8 Preliminary data. Final emissions intensity figures will be published in 1xbet online’s FY2024 Sustainability Reporting Suite, to be released in September 2024.

9 Refer to 1xbet online’s FY2024 Investor Presentation and Analyst Support Materials for 1H FY2025 outlook assumptions and sensitivities.