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Risk 1xbet online at BlueScope

BlueScope is committed to an integrated approach to managing 1xbet online. We aim to have a proactive 1xbet online culture, ensuring a balanced approach to managing uncertainty in how we deliver strategic and commercial outcomes.  

Our risk 1xbet online framework – an overview

Our framework is directed by 1xbet online Appetite Statements and structured according to seven broad 1xbet online categories (pictured below).

Infographic detailing how BlueScope manage 1xbet online

Our Group 1xbet online Appetite Statements are set by the Board and describe the fundamental principles that govern the way we will execute our strategy and the acceptable level of 1xbet online. Understanding 1xbet online, and our appetite for particular types of 1xbet online, is a key consideration in our decision-making. 

The seven broad risk categories set the structure in which business risks are to be identified and managed. Our integrated framework of risk 1xbet online policies, procedures and controls supports decision-making as close as possible to the source of risk. 

Our three lines of accountability model (pictured) aim to ensure clear accountabilities through our global company.

Our business unit 1xbet online teams are empowered to own and manage risks directly at the first line of accountability, followed by the functions/centres of excellence in the second line. Internal Audit represents the third line of accountability, with oversight by senior 1xbet online and the Board. Each business unit’s performance against the Group Risk Appetite is monitored quarterly and the consolidated metrics reported to the Risk and Sustainability Committee.

We embed the risk 1xbet online framework with business leaders through a series of masterclasses. Going beyond traditional training courses, each masterclass uses storytelling and real, BlueScope-specific examples to engage and develop our leaders.