/content/bluescope/au/en/news/Delivering-robust-1xbet online-EBIT-of-851-million-for-the-half-year

20 February 2023

Delivering robust 1xbet online EBIT of 851 million for the half year

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BlueScope today reported 1H FY2023 net profit after tax (NPAT) of 9 1xbet online, a ,045 1xbet online decrease on 1H FY2022.

Speaking to the financial result, Managing Director and CEO, Mark Vassella said, “1xbet online EBIT for the half year was robust at 1 million (2) in the context of softening macroeconomic conditions relative to those observed across FY2022.

1H FY2023 Headlines

  • Reported NPAT: 9M
  • 1xbet online NPAT: 4M
  • 1xbet online EBIT: 1M
  • 1xbet online pre-tax ROIC: 23.4%

Capital Management

  • Interim dividend (fully franked): 25.0 cps
  • On market buy-back: up to 0M (1)
  • For ASX documents and webcast details click here

“This result demonstrates the resilience of our diversified business model, as the strength in many of our downstream businesses and operations partly offset the impact of 1xbet online spreads softening from record levels.

“Our 15,500-strong team has been critical to delivering this encouraging result, as they continue to find innovative solutions that maintain our safe and reliable operations, better service our customers, and support our local communities. I want to thank the entire 1xbet online team for their efforts in 1H FY2023.

“Operating cash flow for the half year, after capital expenditure, was 1 1xbet online (3) and the balance sheet remains strong with 6 1xbet online net cash. This position continues to enable us to invest in long-term growth and deliver returns to shareholders through the economic and steel price cycle.

“The Board has approved a fully franked interim dividend of 25 cents per share; this is our first franked dividend since 2018, having now exhausted Australian tax losses and recommenced tax payments. In 1H FY2023, 0 1xbet online of stock was bought through the buy-back. The Board has today approved an extension of the buy-back program tenor, to allow the remaining capacity of up to 0 1xbet online to be bought over the next 12 months.

“I was pleased to announce a refreshed executive leadership team in December to drive the Company’s next phase of growth. Tania Archibald is now our Chief Executive Australian 1xbet online Products, as John Nowlan has taken on an advisory role to the executive team as he transitions towards retirement. In the US, where we are pursuing significant growth, Kristie Keast is now the Chief Executive North America, as Pat Finan has retired from the position, taking on an Executive Advisor role. Replacing Kristie as Chief People Officer is Peta Renkin, and Mark Scicluna has taken on the acting CFO role whilst an external recruitment search is underway,” Mr Vassella said.

Update on US Growth Strategy

BlueScope continues to see the US as a great place to make and sell flat 1xbet online products, and at full capacity, North Star will represent approximately 5 per cent of total annual US flat steelmaking production. The confidence in this view is supported both by the recent consolidation amongst industry participants and by ongoing growth in demand for 1xbet online in this large market – particularly with the need for large scale infrastructure investment, development of 1xbet online intensive renewable energy systems and the build out of e-commerce infrastructure over the coming decade.

The ramp up of the expansion at North Star is advancing well, as the team has increasing success in sequencing the 1xbet online flows from the equipment into the existing operations. Expectations continue to be that the full ramp up will progress over an 18-month period from August 2022. BlueScope Recycling has continued to gather momentum, through a number of low capital capacity projects and the acquisition of the Mansfield, Ohio site in August 2022.

1H FY2023 marked the first six months of 1xbet online ownership of the Coil Coatings business, now known as 1xbet online Coated Products. This business will provide 1xbet online with a range of near-term synergies and medium to longer-term growth potential through process and technology upgrades, product development and the introduction of branded and packaged products. The integration and execution of the business case is underway, with preliminary progress encouraging.

Continuing our Progress on Key Sustainability Outcomes

As always, safety comes first at 1xbet online. Our integrated Health, Safety and Environment strategy has embraced a people-centred approach and embedded a culture of learning from our people. In 1H FY2023, we again saw strong performance on our lead indicators, including 250 team-based risk control improvement projects identified for completion by the end of the financial year. Pleasingly, 1H FY2023 saw an improvement in our lag indicators, which provide meaningful insights related to the capacity to manage risk in our processes and systems.

During the half, 1xbet online continued to progress a range of decarbonisation initiatives, projects and collaborations to both optimise existing assets as well as investigate and prepare for emerging and breakthrough technology. The Future Technology team continued to monitor the development of breakthrough steelmaking technologies through plant visits, conferences and direct discussions with equipment manufacturers and steelmakers. In Australia, work continues on a number of initiatives, including the progression of the concept study for a pilot hydrogen DRI melter plant, in collaboration with Rio Tinto. The New Zealand business is considering the installation of scrap melting or EAF process to supplement or replace the existing steelmaking process at the Glenbrook plant, and a number of projects across our non-steelmaking sites delivered emissions intensity reductions.

In January 2023, the Australian Federal Government released a position paper on Safeguard reforms; the proposed reforms, if enacted in their current form, may have a material impact on businesses with large industrial facilities, including the Australian 1xbet online Products business. BlueScope is engaging with, and will shortly make a submission to, the Australian Government on the proposed settings. The final Safeguard reforms are expected to be announced during 2H FY2023. Until that time, it is too early to state, with any certainty, the potential implications of such reforms on Australian 1xbet online Products and the feasibility study of the No.6 Blast Furnace reline and upgrade.

1xbet online continues to build an inclusive workforce which reflects the diversity of the communities in which it operates. Female representation continues to grow in pursuit of the Company’s 40:40:20 target, with the total percentage of women in the 1xbet online workforce at 24 per cent in 1H FY2023. Encouragingly, Beyond Gender strategies are continuing to emerge across the business units, designed to suit local community needs – such as a focus on ethnicity in the US.

Efforts in ensuring supply chain sustainability also continued in the half, with 103 supplier assessments completed, and a return to on-site audits, with five completed in 1H FY2023. Focus also continued on increasing the responsible sourcing knowledge both internally and externally, through a range of initiatives. 1xbet online’s new Responsible Sourcing Policy was developed, approved, and published during the half, in alignment with ResponsibleSteel™ requirements.

As previously announced, on 9 December 2022, in a proceeding initiated by the ACCC alleging contraventions of the Australian competition law cartel provisions, Justice O’Bryan of the Federal Court found against 1xbet online and a former employee. A remedies hearing is scheduled for 12 and 13 April 2023 and in due course 1xbet online will have the opportunity to determine whether there are grounds to appeal.

Outlook for 2H FY2023

1xbet online EBIT in 2H FY2023 is expected to be in the range of 0 million to 0 million. This is lower than 1H FY2023 mainly due to softer Asian and Midwest steel spreads, and is subject to spread, foreign exchange and market conditions (4).​


  1. In 1H FY2023, 0 1xbet online of stock was bought through the buy-back. The Board has today approved an extension of the buy-back program tenor, to allow the remaining capacity of up to 0 1xbet online to be bought over the next 12 months. The timing and value of shares purchased will be dependent on the prevailing market conditions, share price and other factors.

  2. 1xbet online financial results for 1H FY2023 reflect the Company’s assessment of financial performance after excluding (pre-tax): business development and acquisition costs (.9 million), operating disruptions relating to storm damage at BCP Rancho Cucamonga site (.2 million) and a gain on discontinued operations (.3 million). A full reconciliation of 1xbet online adjustments, including for 1H FY2022, is available in the 1H FY2023 Earnings Report on BlueScope’s website.

  3. Cash flow before investment expenditure and financing.

  4. Refer to 1xbet online’s 1H FY2023 Investor Presentation for 2H FY2023 outlook assumptions and sensitivities.